<string name="CUENTAS_Explicacion_paso_local_a_online">"Once the account is created locally then you can specify if you want a online account in order to synchronize with other devices or windows PC"</string>
<string name="CUENTAS_Todas_trans_eliminadas">"All transactions will be eliminated, is this safe?"</string>
<string name="CATEGORIES_Ins_desea_en_presupuesto">"If you want this category to be created in the budget, please reconfigure the budget filters"</string>
<string name="CATEGORIES_Moviments_no_seran_eliminados">"Transactions related to this category are not deleted, is this safe?"</string>
<string name="FORMA_DE_PAGO_Esta_seguro">"Are you sure you want to delete this payment?"</string>
<string name="OPCIONES_MoneyMe_para_Android">"MoneyMe for Android"</string>
<string name="OPCIONES_Tambien_disponible_en_android">"We also have a version for Android, so that notes your expenses with your mobile and then consult with your PC"</string>
<string name="OPCIONES_Backups_explicacion_copias_1">"We recommend that you save backups in a folder managed by a cloud (Dropbox, SugarSync, Google Drive, etc..) To secure data."</string>
<string name="OPCIONES_Backups_explicacion_copias_2">"All online account is synchronized, this guarantees have a backup on our servers."</string>
<string name="ONLINE_Enviado_correo_con_codigo">"We have sent you an email with the confirmation code, enter it and then the new desired password"</string>
<string name="PRESENTACION_Pres1_titulo">"Control expenses quickly and easily"</string>
<string name="GENERAL_Siguiente">"Next"</string>
<string name="PRESENTACION_Pres2_carac_andr_win">"Make an expense and add it to your mobile with 'MoneyMe for Android' and then makes your reports with 'MoneyMe for Windows'."</string>
<string name="PRESENTACION_Pres2_carac_principal">"Manage your expenses, income, debts, coupons and make your reports and statistics."</string>
<string name="PRESENTACION_Pres2_carac_categories">"Create your custom categories and check your expenses with a very visual style."</string>
<string name="PRESENTACION_Pres2_carac_deudas">"Manage your debts and create warnings."</string>
<string name="PRESENTACION_Pres2_budgets">"Create budgets to control spending."</string>
<string name="PRESENTACION_Pres2_cupones">"Organize your coupons and view websites with best discounts."</string>
<string name="PRESENTACION_Pres2_estadisticas">"View statistics with stunning graphics to your needs and generate reports very easily."</string>
<string name="PRESENTACION_Pres2_sincronizacion">"Sync with Android devices or 'Windows PC' and hold the same data."</string>
<string name="PRESENTACION_Pres2_free">"Completely free, you just have to pay if you want to remove the ads in Android."</string>
<string name="Comptes_Online_reset_pass_email_mensaje_explicacion_ini">This email was auto generated by "MoneyMe" to request a confirmation code for reset the password.</string>
<string name="PRESENTACION_Pres_2_listas_de_compras">Create your own shopping lists to remember purchases left to be done. Once you've bought it you can quickly add expense.</string>